Recently Adopted Pomeranian Puppies Near Ottawa Avenue
Pure Breed Teacup Pomeranian Pups
We have 4 of them left . 12 weeks old, 2 males and 2 females and are recent on all shots . good with kids , toys and other home pets. well socialized, intelligent. potty trained, vet checked, registered and good with kids and toysView Detail
Toy face looking Teacup Pomeranian Pups
We have 4 of them left . 12 weeks old, 2 males and 2 females and are recent on all shots . Very good with kids and other home pets and needs a loving and caring home . get back for details if interested or you can call/text us on xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me on they are well socialized, friendly, potty trained and very intelligent ready to goView Detail