Recently Adopted Ragdoll Cats Near Argenteuil Regional County Municipality
1 male Ragdoll kitten left available
1 male Ragdoll kitten left available. He was born on February 4, 2023. He will be weaned on April 8, 2023. The kitten will not be neutered. From my male Ragdoll and my female Ragdoll. It is possible to meet the parents. The kitten will have a complete exam by my veterinarian (basic vaccines)on april 6, also he will have received 3 dewormers before to go. He is healthy. He eats Kitten Chow food. He goes in a clumping litter. You can reserved his with a deposit of $100 by interac (non-refundable) or come and visit him in person. I am available for a visit . * Up-to-date health record (1st series of vaccines, with Vet certificate). * Starter kit (food sample, blanket, toy) The Ragdoll owes its name to "rag doll" by its kindness and docility. He likes to be cuddled and lets himself be taken. He is very affectionate, sociable. He shows no signs of aggression or impatience. He enjoys the company of other cats and gets along with dogs. It is safe for children. Video on demand :) Pics 1 to 7: Male Ragdoll kitten Pic 8: the mother Ragdoll with her kittens Pic 9: Ragdoll father **I live in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, QC J0V 1B0 20 minutes west of Lachute******* Free delivery Montreal, Laval and The laurentians areaView Detail