Recently Adopted Indian Spitz Puppies Near Kanpur Nagar
Indian Spitz puppies
indian spitz puppies male and female puppies are available.age x m0nths. 0nly interested pe0ple may call 0n xxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x xView Detail
Indian Spitz puppies male and female available in kalyanpur
2 male and 3 female puppies are available at Bithoor road Kalyanpur Kanpur. I have their mother and father. Male puppy for 8000 each And female puppy 6000 each. Their birth on 17 July. Now they are 1 monthView Detail
Indian Spitz puppies best quality born on 17/07/2022
7500 for male 6500 for female 2male and 3 female puppies are available.I will sell them when they will at least one month.I have both parents and they are very healthy.This big one is Father And another one is motherView Detail
Baby inde for sale
This baby indae need a caretaker,as I am a student and can not cope up with studies, need one who can tke care of this baby .View Detail
India Hybrid
These are a pair of just born puppies Hubrid India Spitz.View Detail