Recently Adopted Airedale Terrier Puppies Near San Bernardino County
Adorable Airedale Terrier puppies available.
We have five beautiful Airedale Terrier puppies for sale from a litter of 9. all pups are kennel club registered and have an excellent pedigree, pedigree comes with 4 weeks free pet insurance. Pups have been vet checked, front lined, wormed and had their first and second injections (another injection will be needed at 16 weeks old). For further details and to arrange a viewing please contact me. They have a very loving temperament, good homes wanted.Please if interested and will like more information, CALL/TEXT us @...(xxx) xxx-xxx2View Detail
Beautiful Airedale Terrier Puppies available
Our beautiful girl Tigi has given birth to 11 healthy puppies (6 Dogs /5 Bitches). They are growing fast and already trying to get up and stumble around.We have both Mum & Dad who are our family pets, AKC reg. with good hip scores. Both well behaved, good with other dogs and kids. Our puppies are ready to leave at 11 weeks old now and are AKC Reg with a5 Generation Certificate, 4 weeks free insurance, both inoculations and a personalized puppy pack to take home. If you have any questions at all please contact us, Only CALL/TEXT us at...(xxx) xxx-xxx2View Detail