Recently Adopted Akita Puppies Near Clackamas County
Adorable Akita puppies
Adorable Akita puppies 2 males and 3 females left. They have had all the love and attention from both us and their mum. Pups are now ready to leave. They are in great health and will be fully vet checked and inoculated before they leave us.. Shipping fee is Included. Please Interested persons should Text (xxx) xxx-xxx2 for more details.View Detail
Dazzel Akita puppies for sale
Dazzel is the biggest girl..She's very flashy pinto...Both parents are AKC registered, great pedigree full of Champions and have amazing temperaments...All our Akita's live in couples, there bond is so tight thru out the breeding process...We strive for them to have a natural setting..They play and run together all day...We feel happy Akita's make happy puppy...We feed the highest quality food and make homemade wet food daily for the best nutrition...Puppies..Text me your email address now via (xxx) xxx xxx7 if interested for more info and pics.View Detail
Female and Male Akita puppies for sale
Talk about gorgeous! This cutie has everything you could ask for: looks, personality and attitude! She loves to walk around strutting her stuff! Shea€™s very spoiled and is treated like the little princess she is. When arriving to her new home...Text me your email address now via (xxx) xxx xxx7 if interested for more info and pics.View Detail