Recently Adopted American Bulldog Puppies Near Lucas County
Am. bulldog puppies (ONLY MALES AVAILABLE)
American Bulldog Puppies born 10/5/22, ready to home 12/1/22 $250/deposit Disaster's American Bulldogs Holland, OH EMAIL: OR FACEBOOK: @disastersamericanbulldogs 5 MALES available *Will be dewormed and updated on shots ABRA REGISTEREDView Detail
Bully pups
Bully pups for sale by owner 7 weeks old first shots and deworded already xxxxxxxxxx DarnellView Detail
Nkc Reg American bulldog pups
I have a litter due late February I will accept deposits at two weeks in mid March Full breeding rights 1000$ W/out breeding rights ( pet ) 600$ My website Pups pedigree Detail
NKC registered American Bulldog puppies for sale
We have a litter of American Bulldog Puppies due 9/24 that will be ready to go to their forever family on 11/16. Puppies will be whelped indoors and socialized with other animals and our children. Sire is 26" at the withers and has a 27" head and weighs 130 lbs, dam is 22" at the withers and has a 21" head and weighs 85 lbs. Pet only registration is 800 and full breeding rights are 1000. Puppies will receive 1st shot and worming at 6 weeks in vet visit.View Detail
Nkc registered American bulldogs
I have two female an available . Ready to go home April 6th at 8 weeks .View Detail
American Bulldog Puppy for Sale
We have 1 male American Bulldog puppy for deposit hold. He is currently 4 weeks old and will be allowed to leave at 8 weeks on 2/17. He will receive his 1st and 2nd set of shots and worming. His sire is a hybrid type and his dam is a standard type. We are expecting him to be a very large dog with a huge head. He is currently being raised in our home with our children and being socialized with other animals. He will come with full NKC registration. 300 for deposit and remaining 500 due at pick up. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info or you can like us on facebook @ ohio state bullies.View Detail
American Bulldog puppy for sale
We have a 14 week old male American Bulldog puppy for sale. He is reverse brindle & white. He is utd on shots and worming. He is not currently registered but can be with the Nkc. He is being socialized with other dogs and being raised around our children. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info.View Detail