Recently Adopted American Bulldog Puppies Near Pratt County
America Bulldog- Yankee
I one female left from this litter and also have one male. Dam had a total of nine pups in this litter. I own both the dam and sire. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup.View Detail
American Bulldog- Sierra
I have two girls and four boys left. I own both the dam and sire. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup. This pup is a boy named Sierra and his birthday was 02/10/2022.View Detail
American Bulldog- Romeo
This pup was born on 02/10/2022 and his current name is Romeo. I own both the dam and sire. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup. Total price for the pup is 500.View Detail
American Bulldog- Victor
This female is named Victor born in 02/10/2022.I own both the dam and sire. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup. Pup price is 500.View Detail
American Bulldog- Zulu
I have one and one girl left. They were born 02/10/2022.I own both the dam and sire. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup.View Detail
American Bulldog- Whiskey
I have four boys and two girls left.I own both the dam and sire. They were born on 02/10/2022. My dogs are raised in a family setting, and are not used for breeding only. The dam weighs approximately 100 pounds and the sire weighs approximately 110 pounds. This is the dam's second litter. My dogs are for sale in Kansas and surrounding states only. I will travel to meet in the surrounding states. All puppies will be registered through the National Kennel Club. The pups will also have their first round of shots, dew claws removed, and a book with pictures of the chosen puppy. These pups will be sold on first come first serve. To hold a puppy a deposit of $300.00 will be asked for with no refunds but will go towards the price of the pup.View Detail
Two females for sale with papers
I have two full blooded American Bulldog pups for sale with registration papers. First female (Alpha) is almost completely white with fawn coloring on her back, and one small patch of fawn coloring directly on top of her head. Second female (Bravo) is very light tan with with black around each eye. She is also one of the biggest pups. Pups were born on 12/12/2020, and will be ready for their new homes the first week of February. It's $200 deposit to hold a puppy (non-refundable). All puppies will be registered through NKC. I own both the dam and sire, so if you would like pictures of the parents I can email them.View Detail