Recently Adopted American Bulldog Puppies Near Cameron
Upcoming NKC American Bulldog Litter
Snow and Oaken will be paired very soon. Would like to start taking names and numbers for a waiting list. Once I have your info I will contact you once a few ties occur for a deposit ($300 will be put towards final cost) Do not miss out on this litter they will go fast and will likely be Snow Whites last litter. These pups will be of working quality meaning likely good prospects for hog hunting and protection work. They come from strong lines. Both are NKC registered as will be the pups. Oaken is two years old and a light Red Brindle. He is a hybrid. Meaning both Johnson and Scott lines. He weighs around 110lb-115lb. He is more standard though. Snow is white and four years old. She is Standard (Scott). She weighs around 85lb-90lb. She has thrown brindle and brindle patched pups in her past two litters as well. This will be the first Oaken X Snow litter and the last. These pups will have bone, structure, and head. They will be standard. Price altogether will be $1200. Pups will be registered. Have had first vaccine. And dewormed every two weeks. Cameron NC. xxx xxx xxx0View Detail