Recently Adopted American Bulldog Puppies Near Greene County
White female American bullies They are very sweet loving and loyal dogs.Their very smart. They both have marking one is a red nose with red spot on. Rt eye and both ears her nose is mostly pink. The other puppy is white with a small black spot on back of right ear. Their mother is a service dog and father is a big lap dog.they have 2 full sisters that are.also service dogs.they come with their 1st shots and 2nd dewormed every 2 weeks since 2 weeks old..working on house training as they were born and live indoors as family pets. To good home only .mom and dad and.older sibling on hand.View Detail
American Bulldog and Pitbull mix puppies
I have 10 American bulldog and Pitbull mix puppies. There are 4 females and 6 males. Some are brendal in color, a couple are light brown, a couple are white with black or brendal spots and a couple are black. All have stub tails. They have been wormed on 8/14/20. They do need first shots. I only want $25 for rehoming fee.View Detail