Recently Adopted American Bully Puppies Near Bakersfield
American Bully pups
2Males and 1 Females ready for a good home. UkC registered, both parents registered. Bevos/Razor Nation Gottin line. Text information xxx-xxx-xxxx. Dewormer and second shots. Dad 65lb and Mom 75lb. The white and black pup is 20lb, brown one is 14.4lb and the black one is 13lbView Detail
Hello, we have beautiful pups that will be looking for a new home in May. We have been breeding since 2019. We love to see our pups go to their forever homes. You can also follow us on Instagram v_kennel_ We are located in Bakersfield California.Pups were born March 18 No Deposits No Shipping.View Detail
XL Blue nose pitbulls
I have 5 puppies that’s are 10 weeks old. They’ve has 2 shots. I have 3 boys and 2 girls. That need really good homes.View Detail
8 week old Male Bully Puppy
He's 8 weeks old. He has beautiful baby blue eyes He's had his first parvo shotView Detail
11week old pups
Immaculate tri female bully pups all badass looking for a good home with lots of loveView Detail
11 weeks old tri female bully pup
Female tri bully pup happy playful flawless ready for good homeView Detail
11 weeks female tri bully
Happy healthy well cared for female bully with shots and dewormed , no flaws , beautiful coatView Detail
Females :White , white blue . ABR Reg
American Bulliez micro/pocket 6 months 2/1/22 w papers, utd on shots xx@x.x.x._xxxxiez for more pictures Msg. Me if Your interestedView Detail
Double lucky Luciano male pups
Blue tri and chocolate male I am asking 4.5k.The 2 blue and fawn male I am asking 4k (negotiable) .The beautiful fawn female I am asking 4.5k.They will come with abkc papers , all there utd shots EAR CROPS , health check vet papers , and they all have been dewormed. Feel free to contact me for video chat .xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Fonzi Dax Bowser blood
Asking 4k (negotiable)She comes with ABKC papers,utd shots,deworming and ear crop . Health checked as well by the vet . She is In good health and is ready to go . Available for pick up today or video chat.xxxxxxxxxx. Perfect home pet . Very loving dogs .View Detail
Grch bowser blood bred to grch el toro
5month .Show quailty.The price on this blue female is 4k.She comes with ABKC papers,utd shots,deworming and ear crop. She has a great pedigree and a great bloodline . Health checked as well by the vet . She is In good health and is ready to go . Ready for pick up or video chat.xxxxxxxxxx. I also deliver if neededView Detail
Very friendly
Moving into apartment can’t have my dog he’s very friendly get along with my 2 year old sonView Detail
Hi-pro kennels has puppies for sell! Quality over quantity
Pups are 6 weeks with first vaccine shot and will be ready to go in two more weeks.View Detail
Pitbull puppies
Blue Brendel / Blue Fawn PitBulls 2 boys ,4 girlsView Detail
Razor edge bully puppys
4 weeks razor edge tri bully’s champion bloodline remembering Cairo bloodline purple ribbon on paper Ukc registeredView Detail
Razoredge American bully
I have my 14 week old razor edge bullys for sell I have two males left out the litter. The dad is a tri colored colored and I have UKC Registered on all my dogs want more info xxxxxxxxxx serious inquires onlyView Detail
11 week pitbull
Last puppy... Male 11 week old pitbull puppy. Potty trained, listens to commands, great with kids, playful personality loves to talk to you, big ol love bug, loves water. Great with other pets. Mom is Fawn bully pitbul who is trained service dog. Dad is brindle american pitbull/ bully who loves to play with the kids.View Detail
11 week old male pitbull puppy
One male American bully left. 11weeks old dewormed, ready for Forever home.He is great with kids and other animals, potty trained,sits,stays follows commands easily trained like his mom.Mom is fawn bully trained to be a service dog. Dad is american brindle very playful. For questions call or text.View Detail
American Bully up for stud!
Master Piece Kimbo is now up for stud more info (xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail