Recently Adopted American Bully Puppies Near Vandalia Township
Bully female pup,beautiful,correct girl,ukc
Pictures are current and from 8 weeks until now..She is 13 weeks,loving ,sweet, fawn and white..ukc registered pr. Does come with health record. Do not call or text me if you think this pup is dirt cheap..(quality does come at a cost) xxxxxxxxxx Vandalia,illinoisView Detail
bully young blue tri female ukc reg.
karah will be two years old this april of 2017..she is 100% gottiline 2x monster jojola and juan gotti,shes excellent with children and has been well socialized with other dogs and does fine. she is ukc reg. current on all vacinations and wormings and she is a 65lb standard female.,she has had one litter natural birth was an excellent mother to her pups, and her litter was registered through ukc. nothing at all wrong with her just downsizing. preferrably a home that can offer her a good companionship,thanks call or text for pricing . xxx-xxx-xxxx vandalia,illinoisView Detail
bully pocket male,son and grandson of champions!
ghost blu tri young adult 3 yrs old..ukc registered,proven male..this is one super ripped up boy,short and compact as well as clean!!!! you will not find a cleaner,better tempered,better pedigree pocket proven male out there for what i have him priced at!! and if you think you can gooood luck! has been bred several times and always has nice litters...excellent temperament with children kids and other dogs..this a super clean just under 15 inch male..he is of champion lineage and is son of abkc champion isaiha as well as grandson to abkc pocket champion shredder..he is also 2x shredder. would be an excellent companion or addition to breeding program..serious interest only,papers in hand. call or text anytime for vandalia,illinois shipping available.View Detail
american bully male puppy
sire is blue and whit.. Rex is excellent with children and other dogs as well and he is a heavy dominion male on his bottom side and on his top side is 2x lilro,paco,chili pepper tonic toxic,rockzilla.. and dam is solid white her name is Prodigy..SHE IS A SOLID BRED DOMINION FEMALE TOP AND BOTTOM! BASICALLY THIS A VERY HEAVY RAZORS EDGE PUP and she is well know in the bully world by all the awesome pups she has thrown over the years for me...she has pups all over the united states and this was her last litter!! this little blue and white male is 9 weeks old and ready for forever home,this is an extremely heavy bred dominion puppy..very heavy on dominions disaster bloodline .if you want a foundation male..this pup would fall in that category easily..hes super clean and correct and ukc.reg pr. current on all wormings and vaccinations. papers in or text for pricing xxx-xxx-xxxx vandalia,illinois shipping available..boilingpointbullys.View Detail
american bull female adult 2 yrs
adult 2 year old female Athena she is fawn and white with fawn patch over her left eye and white patch over her right eye, she has not been bred yet and is available due to my downsizing,she is great with everybody and everthing,very loveable laid back and not high strung.she is ukc registered,she needs small family and lots of attention,pictured as well are her parents trilogy and zeus and her litter mate brother hauss, I am open to reasonable trades but no dog trades,thanks Vandalia,illinois xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
american bully female 7 months/ukc
American bully female/ ukc registered/ well bred, ultimate blue quake,dominion,x -stack bullies stagger 2x..shes all blue and current on vaccinations,excellent temperament gets along well with everybody and everything, I am open to reasonable trade but no dog trades,thanks Vandalia,illinois xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail