Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Baltimore
Bluenose Pit bull puppy
Gia is 15 weeks old. She has her 1st and 2nd round shots plus her dewormer. Beautiful puppy fully ready to go! I’ve had Prince and Gia since they were 8 weeks old. I picked Prince out but I got Gia after I got him because she was the last pup they had from their liter. They are brother and sister but she needs a new caring and loving home so they don’t mate.View Detail
Free 8 month old pitbull xxx-xxx-xxxx
Hello my name is Christina . I’ll be moving next month and I can’t take my puppy with me. I haven’t been having the time for him . He’s extremely playful. Born August 3 2023. He’s not spayed. He gets along with cats and other dogs. I would prefer him to go to a home that has children. He very energetic and hates being alone. I live in the Baltimore Area I can be reached at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
A litter of 7
I have American bully puppies my girl had 8 of them all healthy and beautiful. They’re 7 weeks today active drinking water getting them potty trained and weaned off their mom a little at a timeView Detail
American pit bull bully mixed
Loving 3 month old pitbull looking for a new home.View Detail
Beautiful puppies
5 beautiful puppies one of them a female. They arr one month old already eating puppies food. They are true blood pit bull, the fathet is American pit bull terrier, mother is red nose.View Detail
8 Week old BullyPit
Ash is a8 week old BullyPit puppy she has all of her first round of shotsView Detail
Puppies looking for forever homes
Hello, I have 8 puppies bluenose and rednose looking for a forever home. They are 6 weeks as of December 8th 2023. More information or pictures please feel free to contact me thank you IMPORTANT ****These are rednose and bluenose only. ***** Site would not let me put it in the breed boxView Detail
Big Boy ready to go to his forever home
White and brindle brown spots 7 weeks of age . Fully vaccinated and dewormed has a great appetite. He’s loving and a sweetheartView Detail
23 Month Pitbull
Hello all, my sweet Ice will be 2 next month (November 13th) but I have to give him to a good family due to my health problems. He\'s house broken, great with dogs, children and people. He loves balls and treats. I live in Columbia, South Carolina (Northeast side) off exit 80 from 20. I\'m only asking for $200 which includes his cage, food, toy, food dishes and treats. He is due for his next set of shots, pick up only. You can message me on Facebook xxxxView Detail
Pitbull Puppies
Pure Bred American Pitbull Terriers Registered with American Dog Breeders Association DOB:7/12/23 Shots and Dewormed Males and Female available $750 For more pics click the link below: if interested contact: \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Puppies for Sale
New Pitbull Litter on the ground for sale DOB: 7/12/23 2 females /5 males (3 males available) Price: $750 ADBA registered I have not updated the site yet with these dogs. https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Blade is my new foundation male taking over after Rock. Phoenix will be a key piece of my kennels Blood for the future. contact info: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Blue nose puppies for sale
Blue nose pit bull. 1 male named Rocko, 1 female named Roma. On Saturday 31st 2022 they will be 8 weeks. On every Saturday they are a week older. Out of a litter of 10 these are the only 2 leftView Detail
Boxer, Pit, and German Shepard mix (shots included)
Titan is an amazing pup! He just had his first set of shots, he’s completely healthy, 18 pounds, and potty trained. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule I won’t be able to give him all the care he needs. It pains me to let him go, but he deserves the best ❤️View Detail
I don't want to let him go, but I have to
He is still a puppy House trained Sweet&loyal Clingy& vocal Just needs a little more structure & attention Good with childrenView Detail
Bully in need of forever home
1 year old male pit bull in need of new home. Super energetic and crate trained. We are unable to keep him due to breed and weight restrictionsView Detail
Loving friend needs a new home
7 month old puppy for sale not by choice. Wife has developed allergic reaction to pet fur. Needs a good homeView Detail
Large Pitbull Puppies
$600 or best offer. 4 puppies left. Born March 29th, 2022. First round of shots completed. The mother is 60lbs white & gray, spunky with an attitude, protective, cuddly, talkative. The father is 83lbs brown/black with a bit of white on the chest, loyal, big baby, playful. We are located in Baltimore MD. We may schedule a meetup at a local park to pick and purchase puppy. Additional photos on Instagram @korekennelz_ feel free to TEXT xxxxxxxxxx for detailsView Detail
Full Breed Pit bull Puppies for sale
5 boys &1 girl for sale! Full breed pits. Shots included. Will be ready soon!View Detail
13 Week Old Male Puppy
JJ is the last of his littermates to go, and we have no idea why no one has scooped up this absolute perfect puppy! He's sweet, curious, fun, and social. Please visit our website to learn more about JJ and to apply! Detail
American pit bulls
American pit bulls needing a new home. Born 1-9-22 Ready to re-home 2-28-22 2 blue nose pits asking $850 3 standard pits asking $700View Detail