Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Bangor
Pups 8 weeks(purebred pitbull)
Please contact xxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx.We have 4 females and 5 males from brown to gray(mixed)please help by buying one .We are moving and they need a home.They are very loveable and warm.Anything reasonable would help us.Thank youView Detail
Blue nosed pitbull
4 year 0ld female wh0 is able t0 breed. she is calm but gets nerv0us ar0und little kids. this is the 0nly reas0n we are selling. she is full bl00d and registered with a purple ribb0n with united kennel club. if breed each puppy can be s0ld f0r minimum 1500 s0 we are l00king f0r x00. text 0r call x x x x x x x x x x f0r questi0ns and set up.View Detail