Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Glendale Heights
Valentine puppies !
There are 7 beautiful puppies waiting for their forever home ! These puppies were Born on december 3 2017 we are now taking deposits. they will not be ready to leave until the first week of February. They would make for the perfect valentines gift.. there are 2 blue females 1 black female 3 black males and one blue male the 1st picture is of the father (on the top) and his son (on the bottom) there are other pics from previous litters. let me know if youre intrested in seeing how previous pups turned out ! For serious inquiries and prices please text or call xxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx p.s please don't hit us up if you can't take care of a puppy or trying to use these puppies for illegal activities ! We want them in a stable and good family home !View Detail