Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Mancelona
Blue nose pit
I have 3 one female ans 2 males left female 400 and males 350 born on Christmas day ready for new forever home they have their shots and have the documents on that doing deworm now get hold of me xxx-xxx-xxxx. I also have mom and dad as wellView Detail
American Pitbull Terrier Puppies
Awesome, cute, and totally loveable!!! Our babies were born on August 20th and will be ready to go to their new homes at 8 weeks! Our puppies will come with their first vaccines, worming, and will have a health clearance from the vet prior to leaving. The parents are onsite and super friendly. Inquire about how to secure one of these precious babies before they're all reserved!! These Pups are also raised right in our living room and handled daily by adults and children. There will be a $100 non-refundable deposit this is to secure your Pup $400 when picked up. Once deposit is made and name is chosen we will start using that name when calling for said pup. 2 males 3 females.View Detail