Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Utah County
Pit Bull Puppy - Female
This is Ricky. She was born January 1, 2022 in a litter of 12. She has a dark grey/brown with white coat. She’s super sweet and loves people. She loves to cuddle when she’s sleeping. Super mellow for a puppy but she can get playful. She’s a little timid with new dogs at first but she warms up quickly and loves to play with them. She will come with a box of stuff i bought for her including a bag of food and treats. She has a microchip and her vaccinations. We can switch the microchip to your info when you buy her.View Detail
7 weeks bullies tri genes carrier
These pups is70% iron cross 15%razor 15%McCoy. Ukc paperwork is in hand only 2 females left.please call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
American pitbull terrier puppies
I have 6 Females and 5 Males left from a litter of 14. They are purebred and APBR papered. They got their first and second set of shots and have had their dewclaws removed. They have had their first and second dewormers too. They turned 10 weeks old Saturday March 12th. They are on puppy food and water. They are 550 and up but this weekend only we have some available for 500. The price for them depends on which one your interested in. Let us know which one your interested in and what your price range is and depending on the puppy we can work something out. They are ready to go home. We do have a contract to be signed for the puppies. Serious inquires only! Located in Salem but we are willing to travel. Call or Text Devin xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Zany American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies For Sale .
Zany American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies For Sale . ckc registered tail and dew claws done wormed every 10 days will be up to date on vaccines and ready to go to new home at 8 weeks of age on 1/21/16 ckc registered tail and dew claws done wormed every 10 days will be up to date on vaccines and ready to go to new home at 8 weeks of age on 1/21/16 ckc registered tail and dew claws done wormed every 10 days will be up to date on vaccines and ready to go to new home at 8 weeks of age on 1/21/16 Contact me for more details and some lovely pictures via xxx-xxx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail