Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Henry County
American Staffordshire Terrier Puppies
5weeks American Staffordshire Terrier Blue Pitbull . 2 males and 3 females They will be dewormed and have 1st round of shots Dad is 98lbs blue pit brindle blue and white Mom is 65 lbs is black and white with freckles parents can be seen. serious inquiries only . Pick up and delivery available Call or text Ereka xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
10 week old female pitbull puppies
2 female pitbull puppies Born April 28. 1 brindle colored 1 black with white chest and paws (The dry patches around her eyes is bc she is allergic to chicken. Currently feeding her beef-- allergies getting better). The mom is full blooded strattfordshire. Dad is full blooded pitbull. Puppies come with first round of deworming and shots (given on June 7). Puppies are people and dog friendly. Well socialized and would be a great companion for anyone. Active and chill balanced personality. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY NO CODES! TEXT xxxxxxxxxx FOR MORE INFOView Detail
4 month old Purebred Pitbull puppies
17 weeks old Colby/Gator bloodline 1 female &1 male Born on March 4 Dewormed & first round of puppy shots Crate trained, potty training is in process Socialized, both do well with other animals Very friendly and alert *mom is last pictureView Detail
Merle Pitbull Puppies in Georgia
5 adorable pit pups ready for loving, and re-homing. 1 male, 4 females. They were born April 7th and are 7 1/2 weeks old. They have had their first set of shots and de-worming. The puppies are ready for their new home. Mom and dad are on site. If interested please text me xxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
6 week old Merle & Brown Pitbull Puppies
2 males left 6 weeks old Merle is $400 Brown is $300 Born April 8, 2022 Dewormed but no puppy shots TEXT xxxxxxxxxx for more infoView Detail
6 month old Blue Nose Pitbull
This is Skylar. She’s already had her puppy shots and been dewormed. She is a very silly and high energy dog. She loves her human! I’d like for her to go to a home that has a fenced in backyard because she has the zoomies ALL day! She is crate and potty trained. She has a pee schedule but she can stay in the crate for at the most 7 hours. She is socialized and gets along with other dogs. There’s no food aggression and she can share a crate with another dog.View Detail
1 yr old trained Male Pitbull
This sweet boys name is Blue. He is up to date on shots and is potty, crate & leash trained. He will come with a leash, harness, dog bowl & toys. He just turned 1 years old and does well with other dogs. He is very friendly & affectionate.There will be a small rehoming fee. Prices are negotiable. Text xxxxxxxxxx for more infoView Detail
Pitbull/Sharpei Mix Male 8 months Rehoming Immediate Need
Zeus is an 8 month old Shaprpei/Pitbull. He is very playful and sweet. He loves to play fetch. I was living in a house when I got him but circumstances have changed where I’ve had to move to an Apartment. They will not allow me to have him. I am trying to find him a good home. The dollar amount is only due to his being a boy and therefore for some who are interested in breeding. I am willing to negotiate the price depending upon the situation. xxx xxx xxx9. The sooner the better.. I’ve tried just about every way to keep him but I’m just not able to. I just want to make sure he is going into caring hands because he deserves as much. Serious inquiries only please. Thank you for your time.View Detail
UKC registered American Pitbull pups
I have 4 females and 3 males. They are UKC registered and UTD up all their shot. 9 weeks old. Won't be small dogs. Rehoming fee of $650 with paperwork. Extra $250 if you want ears cropped. Males are the last 3 pictured. Parents are pictured. READY TO GO TO A NEW HOME NOW!!!View Detail
Looking for new parents
Kane is a male, Kane is 1 years old Kane will be 2 years old Jan 14 2021. Kane likes to play catch, Kane is very loving also have alot of energy. Kane has a chip, kane ears has been clipped. Kane os looking for some loving parents.View Detail
Blue nose puppy
3 month old blue nose American Pitbull, lovely, house train.View Detail
Blue Noise Pitbull Puppy
Female Puppy is 8 weeks old she comes with pepe pads and foodView Detail
2/1 month old american pit bull terrier
She is 2/1 month old american pit bull terrier she loves to cuddle and she lives to play alot and she does not like cold when its very hot she likes to sit outside She has already got her first shot if need more information call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Blue Tri pit
Koda is in need of a new good home. He is turning 1yrs old in September and not fixed. Great with children and other dogs. Unfortunately we are down sizing and can not keep him. He is one not to pass on. Asking rehoming fee of 150 to insure he goes to the right home.View Detail
Bandogge Puppies for sale
We have 1 male and 1 female Bandogge (Pit mixed) for sale. Born May 25th 2019, these puppies have a great tempermant and would be great for a family. They do well around other dogs, are very loving and playful.The Dad is 110lbs and mother 86lbs so they will be large dogs.View Detail
Merle female
*Born 7-5-19 *Comes registered, ears cropped(optional),mirco chipped, food and water bowl, food and a toy. The complete puppy package *She speaks for herself In the McDonough area SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!!!! Troy/(xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
Blue female and red male pit pups
Had to miss out on some work and falling behind on some bills. Needing to re-home my two babies to help me out. Blue nose female with blue eyes very sweet just want to cuddle. Red, red nose with sky color eyes loves to make sure your safe. Asking 250 OBO each. Really needing help on bills. Located in the McDonough area. xxx-xxx-xxxx ThanksView Detail
12 week old APB female
I have a 12 week old blue and white female APB for rehoming. She is a sweet and quiet pup that loves to cuddle. Great pup to bring home for the holidays. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE. Text or call Troy atxxx-xxx-xxxx located in McDonough.View Detail
1 chocolate Tri 1 lilac Tri 2 sable Tri 1 blue 1 black with little whiteView Detail
Pit bull puppies
I have blue nose pit puppies that are ready to go. Asking 150. I have 4 boys 2 girls.View Detail