Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Lansing
Rehoming pitbull puppies!
6 beautiful puppies looking for new homes .2 females 4 males . Mom and dad both have great temperment and personality. Pups are raised inside around children and other dogs . They love people , each and every one is beautiful and unique in its own way . No 2 puppies are the same. Pups will be ready for their forever home Feb. 26th . We are not holding any puppies unless a deposit is placed . Their personalities are very bright and bubbly with a calm demeanor. Mom and dad pics are included . All pups will be dewormed and will have 6 in 1 shots. There is a rehoming fee of 300 If you're interested, you can text or call Steven at xxxxxxxxxxx. Thanks for your time and consideration. .I do not do codes. Serious inquiries onlyView Detail