Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Ashland
Delta male
Delta is a merle APBT. He comes home with his pedigree and first and second set of shots. Delta is a sweet boy. He can come home today. Please contact if your interested by email or phone. xxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Alpha male
Aplha is a black amd white male puppy. He is a sweet boy gentle and great with kids and other dogs. He comes home with toys leash and collar. He is house broken and leash trained. He is 12 weeks old and has both his first and second set of shots and dewormed. New owner would have to give third set of shots. He is also available with his pedigree. Please contact at or text or call at xxx xxx xxx8View Detail
American pitbull puppies
I have two puppies thats im looking to get into a forever home. The female im asking 800. And ill drop her off. she is UTD on shots. She comes with her papers, toys, new collar and leash. She is house broken. And has been around kids since she was born. She is great with kids cats and other dogs. Her brother is the same way. He comes home with everything like his sister. He is just $900. He is a merle pattern and his sister is black and white. Both amazing dogs. Together ill let them go for $1000 flat together.View Detail