Recently Adopted American Shorthair Cats Near Phillips County
dachshund puppies available
0ur beautiful dachshund girl has had a litter 0f x stunning little fx merle puppies . they have the cutest markings, this is her first litter, she gave birth t0 4 girls and x b0ys. the puppies are l00king f0r their f0rever h0mes they are x weeks 0ld. all the puppies have been health checked, micr0-chipped. these puppies are being br0ught up in 0ur family h0me with children and 0ther d0gs, making them very well s0cialized. they have l0vely, gentle temperaments, and are brilliant with small children. mum can be seen with them as she is 0ur family pet, we d0 have a ph0t0 0f dad. viewings are welc0me, and we will be adhering t0 strict s0cial distancing rules, 0r if preferred y0u can d0 a vide0 call t0 see these fur babies. please d0 n0t hesitate t0 c0ntact me f0r m0re inf0rmati0n. we will be making sure that they're all g0ing t0 safe, l0ving and welc0ming new h0me. text @ x x x x x x x x x xView Detail