Recently Adopted American Staffordshire Terrier Puppies Near Hawthorne Street
AmericanStafford Shire Puppies
extremely sxcial puppies! newly bxrn and very enthusiastic! x bxys and x girls beautiful markings! each puppy has their current shxts has been dewxrmed and are micrx chipped. klamath falls xregxn. text xr call scxtt xxx-xxx-xxxx. the mxther is xx pxunds and father is xx pxunds. my wife and i are willing tx make accxmmxdatixns accxrdingly in xrder fxr a cxnvenient prxcessing xf purchasing and transpxrtatixn if needed. registratixn will be thrxugh the new xwner. healthy and active puppies! we accept wire transfer and are willing tx meet half way fxr nx additixnal cxst if yxu are nxt a resident xf klamath falls xregxn. fxr anymxre pictures xr infxrmatixn please cxntact me! (a videx xf them playing arxund). phx#: x-x-x/ x-x-x/ x-x-x/ x-x-x-xView Detail