Recently Adopted American Staffordshire Terrier Puppies Near Shawnee
Mother is American Stafford Terrier a/k/a Pit. Brendle color. Father Great Pyrenees White color. Mama only had two puppies. The big one is a boy. He is dark and lookes like it might become Brendle. He has fluffy hair. The Tan one is small an is a girl. She has some Black and white in different areas. They are very, very cute. Walking and playing. They were born on Father's Day. June 11th. They will be six weeks on July 25th. or 8 weeks on August 10th. I am 81 and on oxegyn and cant keep them. They need a good loving home as soon as possible.View Detail
Blue Colby Pitbulls
I have 5 Blue Colby Pitbulls for sale. They are 7 weeks old and had their shots and have been dewormed. I have 4 males, 2 black, 1 blue and 1 brindle also 1 female that is brindle. They are very loving and happy dogs who enjoy playing and eating. They get along well with other dogs and my 2 cats. I want to find them their forever home with someone that loves them as much as our family does. I am asking 75.00 but will negotiate. I live in Shawnee Oklahoma and will deliver them in the same state. Feel free to message me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail