Recently Adopted American Staffordshire Terrier Puppies Near Winston-Salem
Pitbull puppies
2 beautiful red nose and staffardshire puppies to a good loving home...1 boy 1 girl...9 weeks old this saturday and ready nowView Detail
Staffy for stud
American Staffordshire terrier for stud. Bain is a rare blue nose brindle. He has previously stud 12 beautiful healthy puppies. 8female and 4male. Bain is 76lbs extremely healthy and up to date on all shots. He is well behaved and very happy and gentle lovable dog. I have pictures of Bain as well as the puppies upon request. Bain looks forward to hearing from you!View Detail
200 for this staffy red nose. Wonderful personality.
I have one male left...last one...he is beautiful light grey with wite and blue eyes...hes so sweet and loves cuddlesView Detail
Help grandson wants to keep them all
Two month old puppies for sale. Dad is an American Staffordshire terrier and mom is an American pit bull terrier. There are four females and one male that are looking for their forever homes. They are completely weaned from mom, use puppy pads and sleep through the night.View Detail
Help my Grandson wants to keep them all
There are 5 girls and 1 boy left. They are funny energetic loving fur babies in need of a 4ever home. Each and everyone of these puppies will make a wonderful addition to your family. They have wonderfully sweet dispositions. Each one of them are true miracles. Dad i rescued a year and a half ago from an abusive life. Mom was found shot in the head while my daughter and i were walking dad one night. While caring for mom she became pregnant with 12 little miracles. Each of these puppies deserve loving homes more than anything. They will bring tons of happiness to some very lucky familiesView Detail