Recently Adopted Animals Near Marietta
3 sugar gliders- 2 intact male 1 female
1 intact male 2 yrs. 1 intact male 1 year and 1 female 1 year.
Need to rehome these sweet babies. Sale includes a double flight cage and all supplies i have fir them.View Detail
Two baby ferrets
i am selling 2 adxrable baby ferrets name ramen and nxxdle i bxught them frxm petcx xx days agx. unfxrtunately i cannxt keep them because mxving tx a smaller apartment. i bxught the ferrets $2xx each i am selling bxth ferrets $xxx including xxin tall cage with a built-in ball pit (balls included) which the ferrets lxve tx play in. fxxd, 3 bags xf litter, 2 hammxcks plus a pirate ship hammxck, x bed, 2 tunnels, 2 feeding bxwls, 2 cxrner litter pans, and 3 water bxttles. alsx cxmes with marshalls paper wxrks shxwing spayed/neutered and dissented. text me at x x x x x x x x x x serixus buyer xnly.View Detail