Recently Adopted Aussie Doodles Puppies Near Sanpete County
Mini Aussiedoodle
Six adorable Mini F1 Aussiedoodles were born June 16, 2022! 4 males and 2 females. These puppies will grow up to be your best friend. They were raised with ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) learning. They are ready for their forever home August 11, 2022. They will weigh 14-22 pounds full grown. This is a fun size for both children and adults to go on a walk or run, play fetch with, take on a hike or just cuddle on the couch with. They are super sweet, and love to play with children. They have great temperaments. They are raised in our home around family and other animals. The mom (Freedom) is a purebred miniature registered CKC Australian Shepherd. The dad (Chaunce) is a purebred registered AKC mini poodle. They are hypoallergenic and will have very little to no shedding. These gorgeous puppies will be eight weeks old August 11. They will come with two sets of shots and deworming, vet checked and supplies to get started. They are full of energy and love and will be a great addition to your family!View Detail
Mini Aussiedoodles
Please call or text anytime for more pictures or information.View Detail