Recently Adopted Australian Shepherd Puppies Near Ewing
Mini Aussie puppies born 7/26/23.
Only 1 female puppy left, born July 26th. She is 3 months old and ready to go to her forever home. She is house trained, crate trained and leash trained. Parents are each about 14” tall and weigh about 20 lbs, registered with ASDR and genetic health tested. Puppies are raised in our home. They have an outside yard and are introduced to many sights, sounds, experiences and people. Text Julie xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. Asking price is lowered to 600.View Detail
Miniature Australian Shepherd puppies
Puppies were born 4/3/23 so are 11 weeks old and ready for their furever homes. Two girls are still available, Both parents are ASDR registered and genetics tested. Puppies have had their 2nd vaccination and 4 clear fecal samples. A safe, loving, happy home for each puppy is important to me. I will consider reasonable offers.View Detail
Mini Aussie Puppy
At 10 weeks old this boy is enthusiastic about life enjoying chasing a ball and going on short sniff walks. He also plays with the bigger dogs or hangs out with us. He has been raised in our home. We have started house and crate training as well as leash training and car rides. He will be a loyal companion for someone adding friendship, love and fun to your life. He is expected to be about 20 lbs when mature. Price is reduced from 800 to 600 in hopes of finding his forever family soon. All his litter mates have gone to their forever homes.View Detail