Recently Adopted Australian Shepherd Puppies Near Prineville
1/2 mini aussie 1/2 border collie
1 male 1 female needing foreverhomes. They have had thete 2st shots an worming. Located in Prineville, OrView Detail
AKC Australian Shepherd Puppies
KC's Aussies currently has 5 beautiful standard size Puppies available. We have 1 female and 4 males. Puppies were born on 7-6-18 and are now 7 weeks old. They will be ready for their forever homes at 8 weeks old which falls on September 1st. All puppies come with AKC registration, their first shots, utd wormings, and a full puppy kit, as well as breeder support for the lifetime of your puppy. Our dogs are family raised around children, horses and cats and will make excellent family pets with low-medium drive. Parents have had genetic testing and are 100% clear for any issues. Sire is KC's Maverick Ace of Hearts and is a blue eyed tri, and Dam Is KC's Lil Phantom Attlee and she is a minimal blue merle. Rare coloring on these babies! Prices range from $1200-$1600. Please call KC at xxx-xxx-xxxx or visit our website for more details: www.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail