Recently Adopted Australian Shepherd Puppies Near Edwards
red tri male
sweet male red tri,comes with registration paper,pedigree,shots,dewormed,vet checked,tail docked. accepting deposits now to hold until mid April.View Detail
black tri female
sweet female black tri,will come with registration papers,pedigree,shots,dewormed,vet checked,tail docked. accepting deposits now to hold until ready mid AprilView Detail
female red tri puppy
sweet red tri female, nice markings.will come with registration papers,pedigree,shots,dewormed,vet checked,tail docked.currently accepting deposit to hold until mid April when ready to goView Detail
female blue merle
beautiful female blue merle, raised around other pets and children. come with registration papers,pedigree,shots,dewormed,tail docked,vet checked. looks like she is going to have a watch eye.View Detail
male black tri puppy
accepting deposits now to hold until mid April. beautiful male black tri puppy comes with registration papers,pedgiree,shots,dewormed,vet checked,tails docked.View Detail