Recently Adopted Basset Hound Puppies Near Kingsport
CKC registered Basset Hound Puppy
We have one male left from our litter. He is tri color. He has been dewormed and have had their first vaccines will need second vaccines asap. They were born 4/16/24.View Detail
CKC registered Basset Hound puppies
We have one tri color and one tan and white male remaining. They were born on 4/16/24. They have been dewormed and had first shots but will need 2nd shots asap. $600. Please text xxxxxxxxxx for more pics or info. Thank you!View Detail
Ckc registered basset hound
I have 4males and 1 female. The female is mahogany in color. 1 tri color males, 2 lemon males and 1 tricolor/blue males. They will have registration papers and I am willing to discount them if papers are not wanted. They were born 4/16/24. They have been dewormed and had first vaccines needs 2nd shotsView Detail