Recently Adopted Basset Hound Puppies Near Rittman
Basset hound/ Shar pei puppy
Wallee was born October 21st 2022, he is AKC registered and is up to date on all vaccines. He is neutered already and also microchipped. His colors are blue, white, and tan. I bought him at Petland about a month ago, hoping it would help my kids with the loss of their dad. Unfortunately with 4 kids 6 and under it’s just not been a good fit. Wallee is super sweet and loves playing and cuddles, he is almost crate trained already and pretty much potty trained with only a few accidents here and there. He comes with all his toys, crate, food and dishes. He also comes with his paperwork for proof of AKC registration and to update his microchip. I’m asking 2,800 or best offer as I paid over 4,000 for him and still making payments.View Detail