Bearded Dragon Reptiles For Sale in Brookville Township
If you are looking to buy a Bearded Dragon Reptile in Brookville Township, you are in the right place! Our listings cover a range of healthy, certified Bearded Dragons available for adoption or sale at competitive prices.
Price Range for Bearded Dragons
The price of Bearded Dragon reptiles in Brookville, Brookville Township, Franklin County, Indiana can vary widely based on factors like age, color, and breed quality. Typically, you can expect to pay between $50 to $300 for a Bearded Dragon. Premium breeds or specially colored variants may cost more, so it's best to check our listings for the most accurate and free pricing information.
Size, Weight, and Available Colors
Adult Bearded Dragons generally reach a size of around 18 to 24 inches and weigh between 0.4 to 1.2 pounds. In Brookville, Brookville Township, Franklin County, Indiana, you can find a variety of color morphs including:
- Normal
- Hypo
- Translucent
- Pastel
- Leatherback
Explore More Options
If you're interested in other reptile types, check out our listings for Tortoises, Chameleons, and Turtles available for adoption.
Additionally, you can explore more reptiles for sale in Brookville Township, Harrison Township, Ray Township, Colerain Township, or Hamilton.
We encourage you to check our listings above for available Bearded Dragon Reptiles for sale in Brookville Township. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at