Recently Adopted Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Puppies Near Marion County
6 month old Rocky
Received Rocky at 10 weeks. Born November 10 2022. Purchased him from a belgian malinois breeder but he is not your average malinois. His mother was 60 lbs and his father was 80 lbs. Current on all shots. Very healthy dog. House and potty trained. Very talkative. Just a shy dog. Never been abused while in my care. He’s very lovable and have a huge appetite. NO SCAMS, YES FOR FREE TO A GOOD HOME, & NO CATCH!View Detail
BELGIUM malinois
Jetta and Gator had 7 puppiesThere is 1 girl left. They are all dark black sables.. We are located in Indianapolis indiana but can ship or travel. Both parents have titled pedigrees, OFA certified hips/elbows, and import lines. The pups will come with 2yr health guarantee, paperwork, 1st vaccines and vet check, puppy package, and are socialized/worked with everyday. They are raised indoors only. xxx-xxx-xxxx Now accepting deposits for 1st pick male and female Listing Details Price $1350 Location Indianapolis, Indiana Category Dogs and Puppies, Belgian Malinois Posted Jan 25 2023 Report This Ad? Member Details Username reginashafer43 Member For a yearView Detail
Female Belgian malinois
3 months old female belgian malinois loves to play friendly creat trained she has a rehoming fee please text me at (xxx) xxx-xxx5 View Detail
Belgium malinois
Jetta and Banner had 6 pups. They will come with first vaccine and wormings. They will be ready in 7wks from March 14, 2021. Both parents have OFA elbows. Banner has all IPO titles 1-3. Both have excellent hips. Located in Indianapolis and can ship or meet.a $300 deposit which includes 3yr health guarantee and contract. Deposit is includedView Detail
2. Month puppies
Text me at xxxxxxxxxx ,.............. 2 months old they friendly they some good protection dogs I got boys and girlsView Detail
Please help Mowgli find a loving home!!
Mowgli is a beautiful, fun, loving, and friendly dog. He weighs around 60 pounds and is Belgian Shepard Malinois/Husky mix. I have had him for about a month and as much as I would love to keep him, my apartment just isn’t big enough for two dogs, since I already have a Husky mix of my own. I think he would be a perfect fit for someone who has a fenced yard because he loves being outside.View Detail
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Malinois puppies for sale. 6 male and 4 female. Mom is dual registered AKC/UKC and Dad is UKC out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Born April 10, 2018 so they are ready for their forever home. High drive and excellent working dogs.View Detail
Belgian Malinois puppies
Belgian Malinois puppies 12 weeks old, shots, wormed, have parents, will not ship ready to go to their forever homeView Detail