Recently Adopted Bengal Cats Near Randolph County
Bengal cats
white one is a male, brown is a female. They are Bengal cats. She has had 3 litters of kittens. On the 18th of this month she will be 3 years old and he turned 3 last month on the 18th of July. They are both TICA registered. So when you buy the cats, the papers will get switched over. I don't need no money up front, you can come and purchase them in person. We can meet at a public setting of your choice near me. Pictures does no justice on these beautiful animals. They don't really shed and if you're allergic to cats you want be allergic to these. $3000 for bothView Detail
I have 2 Bengal kittens, one male and one female that will be looking for a new home in about 3 weeks! They are seal Lynx and TICA registered. Their spots will get darker as they get older. Mom is a brown rosetta and dad is a seal Lynx as well. $1500 with papers and $1300 without papers.View Detail