Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Blaine
Bernedoodle puppies!
Bernedoodle puppies will be ready for their new home the first week of Aug. Four girls and one boy that's still available. Please get in touch with xxxxxxx at xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx or xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Bernedoodle Puppies
Bernedoodle puppies will be ready for their forever home the first week of August! All puppies will be vet checked and all first shot will before leaving. Feel free to email me at xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxView Detail
Bernedoodle Puppies will be ready for second week of Jan!
Bernedoodle Puppies will be ready to be re-homed the second week of January. They were born November 11th (Remembrance Day). There are 6 Boys and 3 Girl. The puppies come from a loving home with three young children who have been giving them a ton of snuggles. The Mum and Dad of the puppies also live with us in beautiful Metchosin BC on 2 acres of free playing/running space. All puppies will be Vet checked, vaccinated (first shots) and de-wormed prior to their forever home. Price: $3200 for solid colour, $3400 for Tri-Colour If interested please send us a description of yourself and your family if it's not just for you. We want the puppies to be the right fit you and also the right fit for them. There will also be a $500 deposit for approved person or family. Email xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxView Detail