Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Grand Rapids Township
Bernedoodle Puppy Cooper
Meet our sweet boy Cooper! Born: 8/8/2022 He\\\'s ready for his new forever home. This litter had 8 females and 5 males. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 60-80 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations shots and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a blanket that has the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy please use the contact us button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. We will then email you the adoption form. Please make sure to fill the form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo Cash App Zelle or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash. The website is (with no spaces)View Detail
Bernedoodle Puppy Bailey
Born: 8/8/2022 Meet our sweetheart Bailey who loves her cuddles! She is ready for her new forever home. This litter had 8 females and 5 males. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 60-80 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations shots and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a blanket that has the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy please use the contact us button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. We will then email you the adoption form. Please make sure to fill the adoption form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo Cash App Zelle or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash. . The website is xxxx(with no spaces)View Detail
F1 Bernedoodle Puppies
Born: 8/8/2022 Ready for new forever homes now. Tri Color $1 100 and Phantom color $800. This litter has 8 females and 5 males. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 60-80 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations shots and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a blanket that has the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy please use the \"contact us\" button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. Please make sure to fill the form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo Cash App Zelle or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash. Updated pictures will be posted to our website soon once the pups reach a few weeks of age. The website is xxxx (with no spaces)View Detail
Bernedoodle Puppies
Born: 8/8/2022 Ready to go home: 10/3/2022 Tri Color $1 100 and Phantom color $800. This litter has 8 females and 5 males. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 60-80 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations shots and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a blanket that has the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy please use the \"contact us\" button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. Please make sure to fill the form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo Cash App Zelle or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash. Updated pictures will be posted to our website soon once the pups reach a few weeks of age. The website is xxxxView Detail
Bernedoodle puppies - Grand Rapids Ohio
F1 Standard Bernedoodle's Born on: 3-1-2022 Ready to go home: 4-26-2022 Tri-color and Phantom : $2,000 This litter has 4 males and 6 females. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 75-85 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations, shots, and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a toy with the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. We will post pictures on our website once they are 1 week old, 3-4 weeks old, and 5-6 weeks old. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. Puppy pick ups will begin when puppies reach eight weeks of age. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy, please use the "contact us" button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. Please make sure to fill the form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family, the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved, we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash. Detail
Bernedoodle puppies
Born on: 3-1-2022 We only have 1 male left from our litter of 10. The puppies are estimated to weigh around 65-85 pounds. Puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. Vaccinations shots and deworming will be up to date and on record. We will send along puppy food and a toy with the mothers and littermates scent on it. One year congenital or hereditary health guarantee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold your selected puppy. Puppies are ready for their new homes now. If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy please use the "contact us" button on the home page of our website to request an adoption form. Please make sure to fill the form out with as much detail as possible. The more I know about your family the better. That way I can make sure every puppy finds a great new home. Once your adoption form is approved we will request the deposit. We accept Venmo Cash App Zelle or cash for the deposit. Remaining balance due on puppy pick up day must be cash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail