Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Sugarcreek
Micro Mini Bernedoodle(Liam)
Meet Liam, he is a very playful and friendly little puppy! He is a micro mini Bernedoodle, his mom is a Mini Bernese(Bernese/Cavalier) and dad a mini poodle. He is so sweet and loves kids! He will be around 20-25 pounds full grown. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx now if you have any questions or want to adopt him today!View Detail
Bernard-Mini Bernadoodle
Bernard is a Mini Bernadoodle puppy. These puppies are smart, friendly, loyal, playful, and very loving cuddly puppies! He is family raised and is laid back and great with children. He is current in vaccinations and vet checked to ensure you a healthy puppy! Parents are AKC registered and in good health. He was born 2/20/2018 and will be ready for a forever home by 4/17/2018. Call now to adopt him today! Shipping is available for a fee. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail