Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Greensburg
F1B Bernedoodles
We have 5 available F1B Bernedoodles from our most recent litter of puppies born June 4, 2022. We have 3 females and 2 males that you may view in the attached pictures. We have been raising puppies since 2009 as a family and have met so many wonderful people along the way. These babies are the absolute sweetest! They are eating puppy chow very well and weaning appropriately. All puppies are vet checked, UTD on vaccinations, wormed and come with CKC papers. Please reach out if you are ready to add a sweet Bernie baby to your family! We will deliver up to 100 miles free of charge and will work with buyers who live outside the 100 mile radius. Feel free to check out our website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail