Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Jackson County
Mini Bernedoodle-Nyla
Nyla is a tri color blue merle mini Bernedoodle. She is 6 months old, crate and potty trained and absolutely looking for an amazing home and family to join! Help Nyla see an early Christmas present and find her new and amazing couch to cuddle onView Detail
Mini Bernedoodle
F1b Bernedoodle Blue Merle and Carrie’s phantom. Dad weighs in at 14 lbs, 10 inches high and mom at 18lbs. 12 inches high. This puppy is 12 weeks old hypoallergenic female puppy. up to date on vaccinations, micro chipped, CKC registered, potty train, crate trained, and very smart. For more information call Willie and Lindsay at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
SOLD…..F1b Miniature Bernedoodle Female
SOLD…….This is a Female miniature Bernedoodle with Phantom Blue Merle colors. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You Can Pickup your puppy locally or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
F1b Miniature Bernedoodle Male
This is a male miniature Bernedoodle with red/brown and white markings. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can Locally pickup or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
F1b Miniature Bernedoodle Female
This is a female miniature Bernedoodle with Phantom Blue Merle colors. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can Locally pickup or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
F1 Miniature Bernedoodle female
This is a female miniature Bernedoodle with Phantom Blue Merle colors. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can locally pickup your puppy on week 8 or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
F1b Miniature Bernedoodle male
This is a male miniature Bernedoodle with phantom Blue Merle color. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can Locally pickup or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
SOLD……..F1b Miniature Bernedoodle
SOLD…….This is a female miniature Bernedoodle with phantom blue Merle colors. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dad’s weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies’ coats are blue Merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (nonrefundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can Locally pickup or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up as Florida Prancy PawsView Detail
SOLD……..F1 Miniature Bernedoodle Female
SOLD……….This is a female miniature Bernedoodle with Phantom Blue Merle colors. Mom comes from generations of AKC Bernese Mountain dogs and father is a AKC miniature poodle. Both mom and dads weight are between 14 and 20 pounds. We have a litter of six females and two males, 7 of the puppies coats are blue merle and some with blue Merle phantom, as well as one male with red/brown with white markings. Once the contract has been completed and returned from the buyer, we do require a $400 (non refundable) deposit to secure your puppy, unless otherwise stated within contract and communication. You can Locally pickup or we can ship puppy through ground transportation or flight nanny, which will be specified from buyer and included within contract. Within ad, only one picture of all mini Bernedoodle. Please contact directly to request more pictures and videos or a live feed of puppies. Look us up asxxxxView Detail