Recently Adopted Bohemian Shepherd Puppies Near Los Angeles County
Cant take care of her
Shes 4 months,lobes to play,loves food,has all her shots,loves to go on walks ir aun.View Detail
Doberman puppies females born 8/15. They have theyre vaccines and tail cut off. Really gr..
Puppy is three months old, he has gotten all necessary vaccines for his age, he can be ve..
Tate is available with limited AKC registration. He is a cuddly boy right now, loves to p..
Beautiful puppies with firsts shots and deworming.
7 weeks old...
Shes 4 months,lobes to play,loves food,has all her shots,loves to go on walks ir aún...
Tate is available with limited AKC registration. He is a cuddly boy right now, loves to p..
AKC limited registration OFA health tested parents Hips/elbows & more DNA tested also..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
AKC Australian Shepherd puppies.These puppies will be scary smart with such a will to ple..
Are you searching for Bohemian Shepherd Puppies for sale in Los Angeles County, California? Look no further! Our online pet shop offers a range of beautiful puppies available for adoption. These dogs are known for their friendly and intelligent behavior, making them perfect companions.
The price for Bohemian Shepherd Puppies typically ranges from $800 to $1,500, depending on the breeder and the puppy’s lineage. It’s crucial to buy from a certified breeder to ensure the health and quality of your new pet.
Adult Bohemian Shepherds usually weigh between 50 to 90 pounds and stand around 22 to 28 inches tall. These medium to large-sized dogs make excellent family pets with the right space to roam.
Bohemian Shepherd Puppies come in a variety of stunning colors. The most common shades include black, brown, and cream, often combined in beautiful patterns. Their unique appearance sets them apart from other dog breeds.
If you are ready to buy or adopt a Bohemian Shepherd Puppy, check our listings above for available puppies near you:
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at Don’t miss the chance to bring home your new best friend!
Shes 4 months,lobes to play,loves food,has all her shots,loves to go on walks ir aun.View Detail