Recently Adopted Border Collie Puppies Near Morrison County
Pure bred border collies
3 sweet pure bred Border Collies 2 females and one male 8 weeks old they also got dewormed and have their first set of shots. Text is preferredView Detail
I have two boys and four girls pug puppies, purebred no papers and ready for their foreve..
I wanted to introduce you to our little one, who is available now. She is full of energy,..
I have 3 males and 1 female for sale. Born 10/28/2024. They would make a great Christmas ..
These pups need a nice loving family to go home to!
Born November 30, 2024
3 females a..
3 sweet pure bred Border Collies 2 females and one male 8 weeks old they also got deworme..
I have 3 males and 1 female for sale. Born 10/28/2024. They would make a great Christmas ..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
Mini Bernedoodle Puppies available for sale! Much more info with pictures and current pri..
We have 3AKC Miniature Pinscher Puppies for sale! We have 3 males (2 Blue and a black and..
Welcome to PetzLover, your one-stop destination for Border Collie puppies for sale in Morrison County, Minnesota. If you're looking to buy a puppy, we have a variety of adorable options available from certified breeders. Adopt your new best friend today!
The price of Border Collie puppies in Morrison County, Minnesota typically ranges from $600 to $1,200, depending on factors such as pedigree, breeder reputation, and health certifications. Buying a puppy involves considering these factors to ensure you're making a quality investment.
Border Collie puppies grow to be medium-sized dogs. Typically, adult male Border Collies weigh between 30 to 45 pounds and stand at a height of 18 to 22 inches at the shoulder, while females usually weigh 25 to 40 pounds and stand around 18 to 21 inches. In Morrison County, Minnesota, you’ll find puppies that are healthy and well-cared for.
When it comes to color, Border Collie puppies can be found in a range of beautiful shades including black and white, red and white, and tricolor. Each puppy has its unique markings, making them even more special!
For additional options, consider checking out other breeds available on our site. You might find interest in Alaskan Huskies, Sakhalin Huskies, or Australian Kelpies. Don’t forget to check our comprehensive list of puppies for sale in Morrison County!
Ready to welcome a new puppy to your home? Check our listings above and find the perfect Border Collie for you. For inquiries, you can reach us at
3 sweet pure bred Border Collies 2 females and one male 8 weeks old they also got dewormed and have their first set of shots. Text is preferredView Detail