Recently Adopted Border Collie Puppies Near Newaygo County
Border Collie dad, Golden Retriever-Dalmation mom, Puppies born Feb 10
Lucy, the mom, is a 40# golden retriever, dalmation cross. Zack the Dad is a border collie. sold Louis is a black with white chest. He has curly fur. Louis is friendly, but laid back $450 sold Lacy is a black and white curly girl. She is curious, friendly and out-going. $450 Luke is black with a white chest. He is friendly and outgoing. $200 sold Larry is black with a white chest. He is friendly, but calm. $200 sold Lisa is black with a white chest. She is friendly and quiet. $200 sold Lassie is black with a white ring. She is a quiet companion dog. $200 Lily is black with a white chest. She would make a quiet companion dog. $200 Lindsay is black with a white ring. She is very friendly and calm. $200 Puppies are located between Fremont and Muskegon, one hour north of Grand Rapids, MI. For more information, or to come view the puppies, please call xxx xxx xxx2. If no answer, leave your name and number. ************************** second litter***************** Puppies, born Feb 4th. They are very socialized and friendly. Mom is Patches. She is 16#. Dad is border Collie. sold Paul is a black and white little boy that looks like a border collie. He is very smart and will make a great personal dog. Pete is a black and white boy that looks like a border collie. he is loveable and very friendly and energetic. Pepper looks more like a blue heeler. He is very friendly and would make a good farm dog. sold Pearl looks more like a blue heeler. She is very friendly and also energetic. Sold Pansy is a black and white girl who looks like a border collie. She is smart and adorable and very friendly. sold Penny is a black and white girl who looks like a border collie. She is very smart, friendly, and energetic. The puppies are located between Fremont and Muskegon, one hour north of Grand Rapids, MI. For more information, or to come see the puppies, please call xxx xxx xxx2. If no answer, leave your name and number. *************View Detail