Recently Adopted Bull and Terrier Puppies Near Volusia County
Bullador puppies
I have 6 Bullador puppies available. 3 males and 3 females left. They are loving, loyal, protective and energetic, making them a great family pet who loves to play indoors or out. These pups fall into the medium-to-large size range. They are active and loyal. They were born on 6/23/2021 and will be ready for their forever home on 8/20/2021. They will come up to date on deworming and vaccinations as well as a Florida health certificate from a certified veterinarian. All of these cute puppies are part of our family and raised in my home while being well socialized by my family and kids. These puppies are a great fit for anyone. **Half down for the deposit (non-refundable) and the rest due at pick up. So it RESERVE YOURS TODAY!! or xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail