Recently Adopted Bullmastiff Puppies Near Solano County
Bull mastiff/ blue nose pit
Bull mastiff/blue nose pit puppy (born 4/12/20) for sale $250 OBO has most of his shots. One more round of immunization on Aug 5th and vet says he can’t have rabies shot till six months. 35lbs at his last appointment July 15th. Comes with wire crate that he will out grow soon, crate pad, and an XL raised dog bed (33”x49” holds up to 150lbs). Leash, small collar, small harness. Some toys and whatever food/treats we have left. He is a great dog but our upcoming living situation fell through and we don’t have the space he needs. Gets excited when he sees other dogs, we visited his litter mates often. And is good with kids/babies. We have a seven month old son and he’s never nipped a neighborhood kid. Serious inquires only please email me. Please contact and I can send additional pictures or video. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail