Recently Adopted Cairn Terrier Puppies Near Philadelphia
Cairn Terrier/Toy Poodle for SALE!
Beautiful brindle pattern Cairnpoo boy!
The mother, Lolly, is a beautiful, energetic, double registered Cairn Terrier (AKC & UABR).
His Father, KJ, is a content, handsome, double registered Toy Poodle (ACA & UABR). Together these two have four strong boys and one strong girl!
Especially their boy with the most personality, Thor!
Thor is the runt of the litter but that doesn't stop him from reaching his full potential and being himself!
He also comes with a puppy package!
Your Puppy Package will include:
His three favorite toys!
Baggie of Puppy Kibble
3 cans of wet puppy chow
Shot Records
He will make a great addition to any family! Big or small! He will be your playmate for LIFE! This little guy has so much love to give. Want that love?
Don’t hesitate to call!
Price was originally $1500. NOW IT IS $900View Detail
Carin Terrier/Maltese pup for sale!
A beautiful tricolor CarMal boy with an even MORE beautiful personality!
Stallion is the smallest of the litter but has the biggest heart! He is also the first born and only boy of the litter.
WARNING: Stallion is the BOSS! He will try to train you. His favorite weapons are his pretty dark eyes, a tilt of the head, and make cute little sounds to get your attention so you will obey his every command. Especially to play! But when he starts to bark, don’t take it lightly! Ever heard of the mouse that roared?
His father, Bogey, is a purebred Maltese and is double registered with UABR (United All Breed Registration) and AKC (American Kennel Club).
His mother, Lolly, is a purebred cairn terrier registered with AKC also. Both parents are caring, protective, and loving. So no surprise their boy takes after them. Stallion will also come with a puppy package!
Your Puppy Package will include:
His two favorite toys
Baggie of Puppy Kibble
Shot Records
And many more surprises to take home with Stallion!
He will make a great addition to any family! Big or small! This little guy has so much love to give. Want that love? Do not hesitate to call! xxx-xxx-xxxx
Remember! Runts are the pick of the litter! ;-DView Detail