Recently Adopted Cane Corso Puppies Near Chesterfield
Cane Corso male 1 years old. Great for stud and or farm
Meet Zeus he is a1 year old blue brindle male Corso. He has a very strong bloodline and is ICCF registered, Utd on shots and house trained. He is people and pet friendly. But he is also very protective over his people. He is very large and playful. Unfortunately he does need to find a forever home because his owners are unable to keep him due to a divorce. He does not have any behavior problems, he is an amazing giant that can be a great stud. Must have enough property for him to run around. Would be a great farm dog. He is definitely a work dog. Call or text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Cane Corso Puppy Ready for their forever home!
Cane Corso puppies...These dogs are loving companions with highly regarded instincts, train-ability, temperament! The pups have Champion bloodlines and are ICCF Registered. They have been raised in a loving and affectionate environment since the day they were born. Their tails are docked, they will be dewormed, and have shots on schedule. Brindle, Black, or Fawn $1000. Responsible, loving owners only! xxxxxxxxxxView Detail