Recently Adopted Cane Corso Puppies Near Coshocton County
Cane Corso
16 Month old Cane Corso Formentino color, unaltered male born x-xx-xxxx. ICCF registration available with full breeding rights. He is crate trained, house broken and loves attention. He gets along with cats and loves children. He is a great guard dog he barks to let you know someone is around. He does well in the yard without a leash. He now weighs 105. He is UTD on all vaccines. His tail, ears and dew claws are done. He needs to be the only male dog in the home. He does great in public and with our female dog. SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY . Cash only, posted other places and you must pickup located in Coshocton County Ohio. You can respond to the ad or text xxx- xxx-xxx6.View Detail