Recently Adopted Cane Corso Puppies Near Long Island
Cane Corso Blue Female Puppy For Sale
She is sold We have 1 female Blue Cane Corso puppy for sale. She has cropped ears, docked tail, no dew claws, dewormed and up to date shots. She is 5 weeks old and will be ready for her forever home in 2 weeks. If interested please text us at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Cane Corso Italian Mastiff Puppies For Sale
Just in time for Christmas. We 2 beautiful females left. One is all blue with cropped ears she is $1,500 and the other is blue brindle with regular ears she is $1,000! They are both so sweet and loving and need a forever home. Cane Corso Italian Mastiff females puppies for sale. The puppies have docked tails, no dew claws, dewormed and shots. Message me if interested we are located on Long Island NYView Detail