Recently Adopted Cane Corso Puppies Near Tennessee
Cane Corso/ labradoodle
I have 11 Cane Corso/labradoodle puppies that need their furever home! I have 6 boys and 5 girls. They will receive their first set of shots and be sent home with their vet records. They were born 7/5/24 and already in puppy food. Taking deposits and feel free to give me a call. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
5 months old male
Very protective dog N Doesn't'bother cats Chickens or other animals Loves kids xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Cane Corso Puppies
ICCF registered. 4 females 1 male. Puppies are socialized and have had all shots. Very well socialized. Located in xxxx. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Cane Corso English Mastiff Puppies
I have 8 week old puppies that are ready for new homes. I have 2 males and 6 females left. Mother is cane corso/ english mastiff mix, their father is boxmus ( boxer english mastiff mix). Both parents are 130lbs and are on site. The puppies have been on soft puppy food for 4 weeks and are weaned off their mamma. I am asking a rehoming fee of 300 to ensure they go to a good home, as they will be large dogs.View Detail
Cane corso
Cane Corso puppies born on June 16th 3 males 2 females xxxx has lots of picturesView Detail
Cane Corso puppies
Mom is grey. Dad is a straw (import dog). Puppies have traits of the cane corso breed from: black, black brindle, grey, grey brindle, crimson, fawn (yellow), Straw and chestnut brindle. They will be ready 6 weeks after. All puppies will have first round of shots, tails doc and first vet visit. Akc and ICC registered. Males are $3000.00. Females $3500.00View Detail
Cane corso pups
I have 7 week old beautiful cane corso puppies who are ready for their forever home. They are vet checked, utd on their shots and worming. They are very sweet and loving and would make perfect company for you. You can call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information and picturesView Detail
Cane corso
She is just now 1 years old! She is good with kides and other pets she is a very loving dog only reason I am getting rid of her is due to my health problems and I can’t keep up with her and she needs a loving family who can. She is akc registered she is not fixed I do have all the papers on herView Detail
Her name is Pancake. She's a5 month old Cane Corso, blue-brindle, sweet, sweet, girl.. She needs a forever home with lots of activity, possibly children, etc. She's had a little training but not much. (Training her would be extra) She loves to play, gets along great with other dogs, curious about cats, and LOVES everyone!View Detail
Puppies born 5-16-24, Parents both on site. Dad is all black, Mom is blue brindle. 2 females, both all black 6 males, 4 black &2 blue ALL PUPPIES ARE REMAINING NATURAL, NO EAR CROPPING OR TAIL DOCKING!! These guys will be ready for their new homes on JULY 4TH!!View Detail
Cane Corso Pups
I have 4 week old Cane Corso pups looking for their forever homes. Pups have had their tales docked, and had their physicals, and been wormed by my vet. They get their 1rst vaccines in 2 weeks. Contact xxx-xxx-xxxx if interested. I’m located in Knoxville, Tn.View Detail
Cane Corso puppies AKC
AKC puppies , born 2-1-24 I have 2 males 1 female all puppies are black brindleView Detail
Puppy Lovers large dogs
They have no papers I got them from a family the mother was hit by a car. I have pictures of father and mother.I weened since they were three wks old on goats milk. They eat mushy puppy chow real good right now at 41/2wks .wormed three times Veryhealthy!View Detail
Cane corsos
Dual registered akc an iccf dewormed dew claws removed Tails docked Utd on shots Health certified by licensed vet. Ready to go home now.View Detail
Cane corso and pitbull mix puppies
7 cane corso pitbull mix puppies available. 8 weeks old. Located in Paris,tn need homed immediately. I have to move and can’t take them with me. No blues are available more pictures upon request.xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Cane Corsos Little Girl named PANCAKE
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT xxx-xxx-xxxx Pancake is a 2.5 mo old Cane Corso, blue-female. She is being crate trained, potty trained, and socialized with other dogs. She is quite the snuggle-butt however, is already on alert!! She's looking for her forever home...xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Come an get em. Dual registered
These pups are from champion bloodlines, dew claws removed, dual registered iccf and akc, health checked by licensed vet before sold. Check us out on Facebook Bentley's Pedigreez. Where you can find lots of pictures an reviews.View Detail
Cane Corso puppies
AKC 14 weeks old 1 male 2 females located in Gallatin TnView Detail
Cane Corso puppies
AKC 14weeks old today 1 male &2 females availableView Detail
Cane corsos almost ready don't miss out.
Dual registered akc/iccf, utd on shots, dew claws removed, tails docked, health checked by licensed vet, health contact an a lifetime of breeder support. Process range from 2500 to 4000View Detail
Locations Where Cane Corso Puppies are Available in Tennessee
Campbell County, Shelby County, Tennessee, Claiborne County, Davidson County, Henry County, Knox County, Rutherford County, Hamilton County, Marshall County, Meigs County, Montgomery County, Bradley County, Stewart County, Obion County, Blount County, Dickson County, Hawkins County, McNairy County, La Vergne, Robertson County