Recently Adopted Catahoula Leopard Puppies Near Mahoning County
Runt of the litter
Foxy is the runt of the litter. Looking the most like her mother she is shy and sweet. She will be ideal for a family with kids. She is special and being the smallest of the bunch is a pretty thing to look at! Shipping can be discussed when purchased.View Detail
Puppy ready for a new home
This is Yona. Yona is the most shy and tender out of the litter. He Loves to Cuddle so will lay with you for hours on end. Perfect for a household wit smaller children and still will grow to be a handsome Pup! He is also mix wit pitbull. Delivery or pick up of the puppies can be discussed.View Detail
Puppy ready for a new home
This is Roxy. Roxy is the Runt of the litter. She looks most like her mother. Everything about this cutie is smaller than the bunch. She’s lovable and stays to herself at times. She is also mixed with Pitbull. Delivery or pick up of the puppies can be discussed.View Detail