Recently Adopted Cats Near Arispie Township
newborn Ragdoll Kittens!!!!
my beautiful girl Magnolia just had kittens! If interested in these beautiful ragdoll babies, text or call me for pictures and videos. Pictures shown of mom and dad. all these kittens will be vaccinated dewormed litter trained socialize with kids and dogs and other cats before leaving our home. each kitten will come with a starter bag of food and a health record. adoption fee $650 each firm. if interested in magnolias kittens contact me.View Detail
pregnant cat with kittens Princeton) IL
My cat Violet is having kittens, if interested in her kittens, text me, or call. pictures shown of her kittens she has had in the past. All the kittens will be vaccinated dewormed 100% litter trained before leaving. Kittens are $250 each. $50 deposit required to hold your kitty of choice. and The remaining balance in cash. Message if interested in Violet’s Kittens! we are located nearer (Princeton) ILView Detail